Breaking News CNN

-Ladies and gentlemans it appears that today a new conflict started in Eastern Europe.
-We are now life with our Romanian reporter. So  Pusica tell us! Is this an armed conflict or a bullshit conflict?
-Emil? I’m not sure yet! I am in Romania and I see many AK47 locked and loaded. I guess is an armed one…
-We go now to our UN observer… Nusica? Tell us what you see please…
-Emil? I see many tanks painted in white with the UN logo on them. I guess is a peace keeping mission…
-We also have a military neutral observer, Lupu tell us what you see…
-I see feno lost its capital… So how the hell can this be a peace keepers  mission?
-I see lots of RPG AG7, AK47, Artilery with some 7 on them and 7 troops transporters on the moving. I also see some snipers in open. All have Romanian flag on them. So my guess is that we assist on an major conflict…
-Oh… The UN Soldiers seems  so friendly… They are here  for playing Solitaire only…
-If they are United Nations, what are we? The farm nation? The noob nation? Maybe the notUnited nation?



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